
JGaunt is webhook bot for Discord that contains hundreds of biographies on Gauntlet Legends and Gauntlet Dark Legacy related content. With this extension, users can instantly display Gauntlet information during live chat. In short, JGaunt is a mini-Gauntlet wiki in the form of a Discord bot.

JGaunt does not use external sources such as this wiki, but rather uses facts and implied lore from within the games and within their files.


While still in beta testing, the artificial intelligence can display most any piece of Gauntlet Dark Legacy-related trivia, including characters, locations, items, and lore. While the bot's content is focused on Gauntlet Dark Legacy, a handful of information sourcing from Gauntlet Legends can be found as well.

Biographies display everything a player would need to know about an element of the game, including variables not obvious to players, such as exact amounts of treasure found in each level, or the exact health of boss characters.

JGaunt - Example 1

Example of use

The bot also contains links to YouTube uploads of Gauntlet Dark Legacy's cinematics and soundtrack for easy sharing within conversation.

Maps and hints are provided to assist in players struggling with a particular challenge or level within the game, as well as everything cheat code known to the fandom.

While not accessible at the moment, numerous original concepts of the creator are stored within the bot as well. These concepts include new characters, realm, bosses, and items. These ideas, while fleshed as anything within the series, do not currently exist as anything more than fully developed concepts that are marked a star or moon symbol within the text. These concepts include, but are not limited to, The Marauder playable character, the Sea of Monsters Realm, and Gauntlet Twilight of the Unseen; which is a original title severing as sequel to the Gauntlet Dark Legacy.

Besides Gauntlet trivia, JGaunt is also supplied with instructions to set up emulation on users' PC and answer feature-related questions regarding PCXS2 or Dolphin Emulator, including NetPlay and controller configuration.


Created by Gauntlet enthusiast Diphasia84, the JGaunt bot was designed as both a means of convenience for the community, and an alternative this Fandom Wiki, as Diphasia finds it to be both uninformative and in some cases, inaccurate. As a developer for Gauntlet Dark Legacy - Remastered, and a recognizable figure within the Gauntlet Discord communities, Diphasia was frequently asked Gauntlet-related questions and developed the bot as a means of answering said questions with a single command rather than explaining it numerous times. As the project grew bigger, a select group of friends were recruited to assist in the development.

JGaunt was given its own Discord Server where fans can interact with the developers, ask questions, report bugs, and leave requests for changes/features regarding the bot.


Since its first beta launch, JGaunt can be found within numerous public Gauntlet communities and private group chats, allowing for quick information or simple fun reading about their favorite elements of the game.

The most notable of these groups is the Gauntlet Dark Legacy - Remaster Discord server for which the bot was original designed.

How to Use JGaunt for Yourself[]

While not fully complete, JGaunt is operational and free for all users.

If you would like JGaunt in your discord server, use the following activation link to add it to your server. Then type "j/about" or "j/commands" to get started.

Add JGaunt to your server with this link:

If you would like to join JGaunt's official Discord community for updates and feedback, use the following link.

JGaunt Official Discord Server:
